Call of duty cold war zombies forsaken easter egg
Call of duty cold war zombies forsaken easter egg

call of duty cold war zombies forsaken easter egg

Prioritise getting Juggernog, Stamin-up and Speed Cola as your basic essentials (add Quick Revive to the end for Solo). To those who don't know, you lose your most recently bought perks when you go down (unless you're playing solo in which case it's always Quick Revive then the most recent). PerksWhen it comes to perks, prioritise the essentials first. So without further ado, thanks for reading and I wish you the best on your journey to getting that sweet Epic rarity on your weapon at the start of your game. Please share this guide around to help people do the Easter Eggs, it would mean a lot to me and to those you give this guide to. Here I will try to keep everything to as low a round/as efficient as possible: trying to keep it clear whilst also making it easy to understand in a text format, as let's be honest, if you wanted a video guide then you would have went to a video on YouTube or the likes. (For example, if you need Outbreak, read the ENTIRETY of the Outbreak steps, so you get a clearer idea of what to do).

call of duty cold war zombies forsaken easter egg

I would advise you to read the WHOLE map guide before you attempt an Easter Egg. I have read the guide a good amount of times and didn't see any so any others that would like to help and does spot one, I'm happy to fix it, thanks :) So with that said, here is my best attempt at providing a clear, detailed, and most importantly accurate guide that I hope you can use to complete all the Easter Eggs in the best mode Treyarch, or any other company, has ever created: Zombies.įeel free to tell me about any grammar (no matter how small), spellings or facts that are wrong or that you don't agree with in this guide. Hey everyone, some people may know that I did a Black Ops 3 Easter Egg guide and judging from how well that did, and the praises I received for it despite it being a late decision in the games lifetime, I decided to do another one for Cold War (AKA this guide).

Call of duty cold war zombies forsaken easter egg