How to play space battles in world of warships
How to play space battles in world of warships

how to play space battles in world of warships how to play space battles in world of warships

Gratuitous Space Battles is a game about armed conflict taking place beyond any planet's atmosphere without any given reason. A time for honor, for glory, for huge profits for people in the defense industry. Huge war, galaxy-spanning war, where the cries for mercy from the citizens of captured worlds will reverberate around the bridge of your flagship. There will be time for love, time for joy, time for writing that novel you know you have in you somewhere, but this is still not that time.

how to play space battles in world of warships

There will be a time for song, time for cakes, time for long afternoon strolls, but this is not that time. There will be a time for peace in the galaxy, where life-forms can skip through the fields and read poetry, unworried by the threat of war, but this is not that time.

How to play space battles in world of warships